Tag Archive | tigery\eye

Could Crystals / Gemstones Really Heal People & Have Many Health Benefits?

I just started to sell a lot of crystal & gemstone items. I have done a lot of researches on it, most crystals or gemstones have some type of healing, calming emotions & remove negativity power. However, you have to really believe in these stones in order for them to work..

I know someone who wears Tiger Eyes bracelet 24/7, and he talks to his bracelet all the time, he wished that he would get promoted and become very rich. Guess what? He really got rich & promoted now.

The power of your mind is magical, the more you believe in these stones & in yourself, the more likely that you will get what you wish for.  "Good things come to those who believe that they are coming". 

Here is my website if you want to check out these crystal/gemstone items:  


Here is my website if you want to check out these crystal/gemstone items:  
